So I've been so freaking busy recently. I have been paddling and running and have started lifting weights again with Ananda (only three times now, but I'll count it). I'm feeling pretty good about my size right now. I'm about a size 9, that's what the pants I'm wearing now say.
I weighed in at 135 (on my scale), which is a good 140 in real life. Not bad. I'm thinking after the wedding I'm still gonna work on losing a little more weight, I wouldn't mind getting down to 130, but I think 135 is probably the best I'm gonna get. Which is way more in shape than I ever imagined I would be able to get to. For now, with the family coming out and the upcoming wedding and the impending drinking that will be happening, I'm gonna just concentrate at staying at 140. I am going to make a major effort to not completely throw away everything I've been working for. Luckily for me I still have a few races to look forward to, especially now that long distance is coming up. That means that I'll have a reason not to go back to being completely lazy and eating fast food.
I've done pretty good the past few days, even when Bobby ordered Calzones for me and Nate. I only ate half. I have to thank Myia for convincing me that Skinny Cow ice cream cones and sandwiches are worthwhile. Because they're in the fridge they get eaten instead of the other junk that's in there. And if Skinny Cow is the only ice cream choice, Nate'll take what he can get.
So I think when the wedding is over, the title of this blog is going to change and I'm gonna keep writing. It's nice to be able to report on my progress, even if Arin and Myia are the only ones who read it. I'll probably send the link out to a few more friends again and see if I can't get some interaction on this thing.