Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

So the New Year has arrived. Myia and I have busily been planning out our goals for this coming year. Well, really for the next few months. I will be blogging more regularly as part of my weight loss goals for this year. My other goals are:
1. Losing 7 pounds by the Aloha Run, which brings me to 150.
2. Run at least once a week with you guys
3. Run once a week with Titus (shorter run.)
4. Walk during lunch at least once a week.
5. South Beach style diet- less refined carbs and unhealthy fat-
started today and doing well.
6. TV workout once a week.

I'm hoping we're gonna hike more often also, but I'm not gonna make that one of my goals. It takes up too much time to make it something I plan on doing every week.
Right now, I'm feeling pretty bloated and fat from all of the holiday eating and drinking. I'm hoping I haven't done irreversible damage to myself.

1 comment:

Arin said...

Hi Mary! Nice to hear from you again! No damage is irreversable - we've all got the holiday bloats - I think I literally gained 5 pounds. I'm going to go into my calendar and schedule my workouts right now - and yes - HELLO SOUTH BEACH!
