I've been trying for the past couple of days to eat better. It's really tough during the holidays.

Last night we had a holiday party, and although I think I didn't eat a whole lot of food, I also drank quite a few beers. I also didn't do anything active yesterday. On Tuesday I ran with Ananda and Denby, so at least I did something. I did some very short runs with Titus, mostly just to get some of his energy out rather than to get exercise for myself. I'm hoping that once Ananda and Myia are settled into their new jobs we can all start working out together again on a more regular basis. On my own I am fairly unmotivated. When I know others are counting on me to show up, I am more likely to do something. Hopefully we'll hike tomorrow morning and then run again on Tuesday.

The holiday party itself was a lot of fun, although Nate's just posing for the above picture at the beginning of the night, I'd say it's a pretty fair representation of how we were feeling towards the end of the afterparty. I got a few compliments on my outfit, which I was rather proud of. Hopefully Myia will send out her pictures since my camera batteries died at the beginning of the night.
Hey I figured out how to post comments with out having to be a member or whatever. It's from Ann Nomous!
I will bring my camera for you to work becuase there is a lot of pictures.
oh man, Dining Services delivered a tray of cookies. I swear today I have eaten five. I am going to die. My heartburn will kill me, if the size of my ass doesn't kill me first. Holiday parties suck.
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