So, yesterday was Kara's last day at Marimed. I'm so sad! I'm gonna miss seeing her around the campus. I hope she decides to drop by. Of course, I know I'm gonna see her at her house and at get-togethers, but it won't be the same. Anyway, the Aloha Circle was awesome, and then later we had her goodbye party at the yacht club. Luckily I had actually bought some vegetables to grill the day before, because I didn't have any time to exercise, and I snack too much at parties. I did drink a lot of wine and I ate a lot of food. First I ate a lot of grilled vegetables and shrimp, then I had some of the steak Nate and I made. I also had Mike's spinach rolls and a few pieces of sushi. This morning I woke up feeling a little bit queesy, (I'm sure I felt better than Nate did this morning), but I made myself do a half-hour Gilad workout on TV. I only have these 3-lb weight balls to use for the weight lifting section and I felt a little silly using those for bicep curls. It's funny though, it's been so long since I've lifted weights that my arms are actually a little sore from that little bit of work. Kind of sad. Later I was feeling a little better after a nap and took Titus for a walk/jog. It felt really good. If Titus hadn't been tired I would have kept running. Next time I need to just drop him off and keep going. I don't think I've lost any weight just yet, but I'm feeling good from moving around every day. I have to get out of holiday mode, and start eating better too. Until I change how I eat, I'm never gonna lose any weight, it doesn't matter how much I work out. Especially now that I have a huge box of chocolates from Ang. They are so delicious. I've already eaten several. I'm gonna have to munch on some carrots or something to keep from eating the whole box. Tomorrow I plan on running again, or possibly doing some Gilad workout.
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