We went for a run yesterday, ran a hard 2.7 miles. Denby and I ran it in a little less than 25 minutes, which is really good for me. I was sucking in air at the end because I didn't want to slow down. Afterwards we went to this nutrition seminar, well it was really small, there were only 6 people. It was very informative, about the glycemic index. I had heard this term before, but didn't really understand it. It was really interesting hearing about it from someone who obviously knows what she was talking about it and really believes in it. It relates and makes sense with the low-carb diets that are popular now. I have always believed that the low carb diets are better for you nutritionally, (not the really low-carb diets, the good carb diets). I checked out the website nutritiondata.com and it tells you more about some of the different diets that are out there. The glycemic index along with the glycemic load seem like they would really help you lose weight, if you understand and are willling to put in the time to use it. What I really liked was the Better Choices Diet that uses both a calorie count along with the "fullness factor" scale and the glycemic index. It is one of those "duh" it just makes sense ways of eating (not a diet, but a lifestyle change).
The plan for this week is tonight- Pilates class, Wednesday- long run, Thursday- off, Friday- run with Titus, Saturday- yoga, Sunday- hiking.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
150... and holding steady
So I was able to hit the ever elusive goal of 150. Now I have plateaud there. I guess I'm gonna have to change up my workouts or something so I can go intot the 40s. I have been able to put on some pants that I haven't worn in a LONG time, and that feels good anyway. I can tell I've lost the weight. I'm gonna try to run/walk/swim/do something every day this week and see if I can't make the scale go below.
I'm having a lot of fun planning for my wedding. I think it's going to be different than most weddings I've been to, since we have very little money. It's going to be a lot of fun. Nate and I are going wedding band shopping this weekend. We are going to get something simple for now. It's about 4 months away and I have to start getting together the minister, and figure out all the legal stuff, including name change, insurance, all of that jazz. I don't think I can really go wrong with this wedding planning as long as I get the important stuff done. If things go really badly, we'll just have another barbecue later on during the week and have a great time. Then people will just remember being in Hawaii and having an awesome time.
I'm having a lot of fun planning for my wedding. I think it's going to be different than most weddings I've been to, since we have very little money. It's going to be a lot of fun. Nate and I are going wedding band shopping this weekend. We are going to get something simple for now. It's about 4 months away and I have to start getting together the minister, and figure out all the legal stuff, including name change, insurance, all of that jazz. I don't think I can really go wrong with this wedding planning as long as I get the important stuff done. If things go really badly, we'll just have another barbecue later on during the week and have a great time. Then people will just remember being in Hawaii and having an awesome time.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
New Goal

Goal: 148 by March 17.
I got some pictures of the Aloha Run from Denby. To the left is us walking from the bus to the start line. On the right is "Devon and his Track Bitches." Basically, we are just feeling really good and looking really sexy after finishing. Every one of us was able to run the whole thing and I think we all felt pretty good for the whole race. After last week's yoga, I went for a run on Monday and my Achilles tendon started to hurt. I slowed down to a slow crawl and then rested my feet and legs for the next couple of days, so I basically did nothing. I went for another run on Thursday and it seems like resting paid off because the tendon didn't hurt this time. The last thing I need is to hurt myself so that I can't run or workout for weeks. Not right now. Today I woke up to meet Myia, Denby and Devon at yoga and then afterwards Myia suggested that we lift weights since we pay the daily rate for the class, we might as well use the gym as much as possible. So against my better judgment I used the leg machines. Right now I feel okay, but I have a feeling that tomorrow I am going to be quite sore. We may go hiking tomorrow morning, depending on whether or not Josh makes Myia go to church.
This week I plan on Sunday- hike, Monday- run or Power Yoga, Tuesday- rest, Wednesday- run, Thursday- rest, Friday- run with Titus, Saturday- yoga/weights.
I have continued to eat well, and actually am not really missing out on anything. My basic strategy has been to replace all the bad-for-me things that I've been eating with an extra serving of vegetables. I think I still eat too many calories per day, but I've made the switch to higher fiber, more vitamins and minerals types of food. It's kind of a low-carb diet. What they say is true, once you stop eating carbs all the time, you really stop craving them as much. Plus, my breakfast of eggs and vegetables or lunch meat has really kept me full all the way until lunch time and past on the days that I don't have time to eat on my regular schedule. There's been two days that I had to skip lunch totally, but didn't actually get too hungry. When I eat cereal or a bagel or waffles, I always end up getting hungry before it's time to eat lunch. I'm sure there's something to say about the munching on food all day long/smaller meals way of living. Myia's looking awesome by going that route. I just haven't been planning ahead enough for that kind of way of living. I am feeling really good about planning ahead for lunch at this point. I've also been buying those frozen lunches and keep a few in the freezer at work for those days that I didn't plan ahead to make lunch. It's a hell of a lot less expensive than eating at Jack in the Box or McDonald's and a lot better for me. There's a lot of sodium, but I can live with that since I don't eat them all the time.
Score for me! Nate offered to get me chocolate ice cream last night and I said, No Thankyou. I watched him eat his ice cream, and didn't actually feel like I wanted any. Nate's been great. I don't think he's really noticed that I am not feeding either of us nearly as many carbs as we used to eat. And I think he has really enjoyed the last few meals we've made together. I like to put him in charge of seasoning whatever meat or protein we're having and when we have salad, he's in charge of cutting vegetables. We've had some delicious salads recently cause he's actually a really good cook. He really enjoys making rubs and marinades and throws in Cumin and all sorts of spices that I don't know anything about.
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